What Exactly is a Monogram?
mon·o·gram /ˈmänəˌɡram/ noun
a motif of two or more letters, typically a person’s initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession.
So what exactly defines a monogram? The word “mono” is derived from the Greek root “monos” meaning single, alone, or only. Thus, a monogram consists of the letters from a single person, most often three letters with the first letter of the last name larger and flanked by the first letter of the first and middle names if single, and the first and maiden name if married. Today monograms can be used on anything – clothing, accessories, table linens, silver flatware, bed linens, bath towels, napkins, and barware.
The exception to the letters of the married monogram would be if the bride has a double first name, such as “Mary Ann” and wishes to maintain the “Mary Ann”. In this instance, the “M” and “A” would flank the larger married initial and the maiden initial would be dropped.
If the woman’s last name begins with “Mc”, such as “McDonald”, her middle initial would be “McD” which can be awkward on some monogram styles. It is perfectly acceptable to use the “M” only for the center initial.
A man’s monogram is generally designed with the first, middle, and last initial in order and all the same size.